Walk and Talk - Saturday 3rd May

114 Taking part
15 Teams
$5,167 Raised so far

How to get involved

Step 1 - Sign up to the Walk and Talk

Sign Up

Sign up to the Walk and Talk

Step 2 - Donate. Ask friends and family to donate


Ask friends and family to donate

Step 3 - Walk 10km on Saturday 3rd May. Solo or with others.


Walk 10km on Saturday 3rd May. Solo or with others.

Step 4 - Support women and girls whose mums have died.


Support women and girls whose mums have died

How does doing a 10km Walk and Talk make a difference?

By taking part in the Motherless Daughters Australia Walk and Talk and fundraising, you’re providing valuable support services and initiatives to connect and support women and girls whose mums have died.

The following services will be funded with the money raised from the MDA Walk and Talk:

  • Awareness and support programs
  • Commemorative initiatives
  • Research and thought leadership
  • Events to connect motherless daughters
  • Educational resources
  • Private online community

Sign Up Today

Image of 3 women walking on a road bridge, walking towards the camera

Image of two women talking to each other whilst on a walk holding a coffee cup

How your fundraising helps motherless daughters

Around 1.2 million women in Australia have experienced mother loss before the age of 44. Your 10km Walk and Talk fundraising will provide events, resources, and support programs to raise awareness and connection opportunities for women, girls, and children as they cope with the everyday, and life’s milestones without their mum.

Sign Up Today

Case Study

A Community That Understands: Motherless Daughters Australia (MDA)

- Ali Lutz, daughter of Maree

“When I was 20, my mother died of ovarian cancer, just six short months after her diagnosis. Losing her so suddenly and at such a young age was disorienting and all-consuming. My father died when I was 8, leaving my mother and me inseparable...”

Read Ali’s story here

Ali Lutz, daughter of Maree


Star Fundraisers

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Donate to a participant or team

Take on the Motherless Daughters Australia Walk and Talk on Saturday 3rd May

And raise funds to support women and girls who have lost their mum

Sign Up Today