Fundraising Tips

6 top tips to help you with your Walk And Talk Fundraising

Show you're committed and donate to yourself

Nothing shows commitment to the cause and challenge like donating to yourself. It's also a great way to lead by example – if you're asking friends, family and colleagues to make a donation, it makes sense to donate to yourself as well!

Plus, statistically, people who donate to themselves raise twice as much as people who don't.

Create or join a team

3 women talking in a group outside

Challenges are more fun when you have a buddy with you. So create a team and invite others to join you.

Spread the word

Let friends, family and colleagues know you've signed up for the Walk and Talk. Tell them over the phone, on a video call, send an email or text message, put it on Facebook or Instagram, Tweet (X?) it, Snapchat it; whatever works for you (maybe all of them)!

You can use our list of pre-written messages, share your profile page link, or ask them to search for your name on the website.

Ask more than once

We all need reminding every now and again. You're doing something great for yourself, and for others, so don't hesitate to follow up with people, and remind them to make a donation. Even if you've asked before, people get busy or simply forget.

One of the easiest ways to remind people to donate is to post more than once on your social media! Not on the same day of course. Share the news when you’ve signed up, and then share again when you have something to say. Here are some examples of when you could send a nudge:

  • When you make a self-donation (ask supporters to match it!)
  • When you get donations from others - thank people publicly which acknowledges their support but also serves as a friendly reminder to others.
  • The week before your event - ask if anyone wants to join you, and if not they can make a donation in support instead.
  • Saturday 3rd May - the day of your Walk and Talk

Be a dog walker for the day

2 people walking a dog along side a waterway

For the day of the challenge, help people walk their dogs in exchange for a small donation. You’re doing your 10km (or more!) walk, you’re helping someone out with their pet, and you’re raising funds to support Motherless Daughters Australia. That’s a triple win!

Share your why

What's the reason you decided to take part in the Walk and Talk? You might be walking in honour of your mum, or you might be walking with someone you care about who has lost their mum. Reminding yourself why you're doing the 10km can help you stay focused throughout the challenge and inspire you to ask for support. Don’t forget to share your why with friends and family to encourage their donations.

Take on the Motherless Daughters Walk and Talk on Saturday 3rd May

And raise funds to support women and girls who have lost their mum

Sign Up Today